The Running of the Conférie
The "Trois Glorieuses"
The Trois Glorieuses, held over the third weekend of November, is the moment when winegrowing Burgundy opens its doors - and tables - to the world, and when the fate of the new vintage is decided. The tri-partite celebration begins with a banquet on Saturday at the Château du Clos de Vougeot, followed on Sunday by the world's biggest charity wine auction at the Hospices de Beaune, and ends on Monday with a gathering of good-humoured revelers at the Paulée de Mersault.The Clos de Vougeot Prize
After the war, in 1946, the Confrérie founded its own journal, the evocatively titled Tastevin en Main, as a way of reaching all the Order's members around the world and keeping them up to date with the Confrérie's deeds, actions and future projects. Two years later, it created a "Chambre des Arts et Belles Lettres" which among its other functions awards an annual literary prize, the "Grand Prix Litteraire", as well as publishing works on wine and related topics. Over time the "Grand Prix Litteraire" has evolved into the "Prix du Tastevin", awarded to those who have made a positive contribution, in whatever field, to Burgundy's reputation.The Philanthropic Spirit
Let no-one think that the Confrérie, although wedded to good fun, lacks a social conscience or is blind to the misery and injustice all too real in the world. This is why each year it donates a sum equivalent to the value of the first wine service served at its Chapitres to a charity or humanitarian organization.The Tastevinage
Committed to contributing to raising standards in wine quality, the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin created the Tastevinage in 1950.The Tastevinage is not a competition, but rather a test of integrity: it aims to establish which wines from the samples presented are true to the claims of their appellation and vintage - wines that you would be happy to offer to your friends and, naturally, wines that will keep.